Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Look at Textbookless

As previously mentioned, I wanted to shoot a short video that takes a deeper look at Textbookless. While making a video definitely isn't my strong suit, I hope that I was able to capture some different perspectives.

I interviewed my two friends - Zach Trinca and Kristin Klock, about their experiences buying textbooks while at RIT for the past four years. As they both graduate this May, I was interested to see how much money they've spent on textbooks verses how much they feel they actually used them. 

Their answers are interesting and semi-shocking. 

As two students from very different majors, Zach and Kristin capture the dynamic of what it could possibly mean to be "textbookless" across all majors. As Kristin said - she could do without her journalism textbooks, but couldn't have survived without some of the psychology ones. For that reason, maybe choosing certain majors means you're more likely to spend more money.

Regardless, there are a lot of different aspects that go into be "textbookless." For some it's possible, for others there is no chance at succeeding without them. So far, I've been okay - but I don't know if I'd be able to say the same if I was an engineering student or in a computer science major.

Stay tuned - the last Money Saving Tip Tuesday is coming this week!

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