Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Trouble on the Home Front

I have some bad news to share with you.

I didn't do so hot on one of my midterms - my Copywriting and Visualization midterm to be exact.

Although, I'm not sure my grade can entirely be blamed on the fact that I'm "textbookless." This has been a weird quarter for me.

Not to change the subject, but I know I've mentioned before that I've gotten lazy with my schoolwork. Why? I'm not too sure. Perhaps because it's finally getting nice out, perhaps because I am not on campus nearly as much as usual (due to the infrequent times my classes actually meet), or perhaps it's because I have an early case of senior-itis.

 However, I have a strong feeling that it may be because I received a 4.0 GPA last quarter. A 4.0 is what I always aim for, what I always hope to achieve. Since I've so recently done "it," I think part of me doesn't feel the need to work as hard this quarter.

I've gotten it in my head that it's impossible for me to fail. Yet, I think I'm forgetting that the only way that won't happen is if I actually work hard.

But back to my midterm grade. I got a 24.5 out of 30 - an 81.7 percent.

I know this isn't  horrible, but I do think I could have easily gotten a better grade with a little more studying. To make matters worse, I received a 70 percent on my most recent Copywriting and Visualization assignment.

With only four weeks left and not that many more assignments to complete, I need to step up my game. There is no longer any time for laziness - not there ever was.

There was only one question on the midterm that referred directly to the textbook and therefore it's possible I would get that question wrong no matter what. However, even if I had studied more and only missed that question - my grade would have been higher than an 81.7 percent.

I don't think a textbook would have helped my assignment grade, so I've still been feeling confident that I can survive the quarter without textbooks.

Except tomorrow I have a quiz in The Congress. And it's directly on a chapter in the required textbook. So ... I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do.

My plan?
  • Google the textbook chapter
  • Study my notes
  • Hope the Professor goes over the chapter before we take the quiz (although unlikely)
If that doesn't work? I could:

A) Break down and use my sister's textbook for the class
B)Wing it

Although the latter would probably result in me:

A) Ultimately ruining the whole idea of textbookless
B) Probably not getting a good grade

So I'm a little torn and frustrated, plus angry with myself for not working harder. I started this blog with the intention of proving that you don't need textbooks to do well in school. However, my hypothesis can't be proven true if I'm not working hard without textbooks.

My level of dedication, concentration, and work must be held constant.

I really don't want to resort to using my sister's textbook to study for the quiz. But I'm nervous.

What would you do?

I'll be sure to let you know how it goes. 

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